Monday, August 14, 2006

The Reason Why (no, not the Ladytron song)...

...because, technically, I'm a writer. I mean, that's what I get paid to do, and yet the only writing I do is what I get paid for, which is a total sellout thing to do. I haven't journaled or diaried I haven't written a poem, short story, sketch or anything remotely close to those in quite some time. How can I call myself an artist if I don't hone my craft? How can I gain literary strength if I don't exercise my creative muscle?

I figure, I'm on the computer 90 hours a day anyway, might as well start a blog. But I refuse to join MySpace. Except for the few bright spots among MySpacers, the vast majority are whiney, emo pseudo-artists who are either addicted to anti-depressants or should be. And people who want to get laid. Personally, I have no problem in any of those arenas, soI have no business being on MySpace.

Therefore, a blog is born! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to throw my laundry in the dryer...


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