Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Some random ideas

So I mentioned in my previous post that I haven't written anything not-for-profit in what seems like ages, but that doesn't mean I haven't had some mean ideas, know what I mean? (Yes, I did just say that.)

So for memory's sake, and so I can keep a record of my ideas as they develop, I will make a list of them here. I'm also going to see how many times I can start a sentence with the word "so."

1) I have to write a short story about a trip mom and I took to Iowa to visit some old family friends. The trip was DISASTROUS in every sense of the word - with the exception of an actual natural disaster occuring. I say I "have" to write this because my friend/coworker Keith is literally waiting for me to write it so he can script it and turn it into a film. But I told him I get to play myself.

2) I also have to write a story about my two-year stint at a Chinese immigration law firm. (Once again, yes, I did just say that.) I could write an entire book about the happenings during this miserable period of my life. Long story short, I fell into the job unknowingly and immediately got in way over my head. I was put-upon, had to put up with and metaphorically put out for a group of damn-near impossible lawyers who get paid astronomical sums of money but can't figure out how to use a calling card or load paper into a copier. "That's how all lawyers are," you say? This is true, but let me tell you - you ain't heard nothin' like this! (While I'm on the subject of Chinese-owned companies, I'd like to bring up a recent Glamour article entitled "The Dos & Don'ts of dining at your desk," which contains a segment about most-complained about foods. At the end of this disclaimer, almost as a side note as if to say, "Duh, this is a no-brainer," reads "Never ever bring fish." I could literally go on for chapters about how much that office stunk during lunch time. Thank you, Tram Kim Nguyen, for siding with me on this one!)

3) I'm also interested in writing something about the post-college, early- to mid-twenties social arena, AKA "the bar scene." After several brief hiatuses I'm back in full swing and, although it's been talked about nearly to death, it's not quite dead yet, and as long as alcohol is still being manufactured, it will never die. So I may as well do as they say on "Strangers With Candy" and "go with what I know." As would be expected, I do have some crazy stories to tell. At least the topic would be approached from a completely different perspective. If nothing else, it would be good practice for me.

So those are the three biggies right now. I have other stuff in the works, but those ideas are so scant I wouldn't be able to make a single, coherent sentence out of them, as they now consist of random words jotted in a notebook that would probably no longer make sense to me if I went back and reread them.

(Number of time "so" has been used to start a sentence = 4)


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