Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What is so hard about choosing a paint chip?

Week two and I already fucked up. Totally skipped yesterday. How dedicated. Well I fell asleep watching a movie with my sister, so is that a good excuse? Spending time with family? Oh, I did write yesterday! I got an entire article for the magazine done a whole week before deadline! Yeah, that counts. My daily writing quota has been fulfilled.

But back to the paint chips. What a task! Definitely my hardest since I started this job. Why do there have to be SO MANY COLORS! And why are there so many gradations of every color? I wish I could have five offices so each one could be a different color. But I have one office, therefore one color. I've narrowed it down to five different shades of purple, but I'm leaning more towards three. I need a second and third and fourth opinion. Originally I was going to go bright orange, but I think it would give me a headache. This green is obnoxious enough, but I love it! Can't do green again, though. I need to move on. Time for a change. New office, new color.

(OK - since I started this post this afternoon at work, and it is now 11:16 p.m., I have finalized my choice of paint to Fire and Ice, a deep, rich, purple. It's going to be kind of dark, but I think it will look dramatic with the white ceiling/trim and the hardwood floors. Plus I have some bright shit to hang on the walls and whatnot.)


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