Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I want to get a new tattoo...

...but I don't know what to get. I have lots of ideas and lots of interesting body parts I'm interested in having tattooed, but I don't know what will look good where and if any of them will look good at all! Here's my list o'body parts I want inked:

-the back of my Achilles tendon area
-the top of my ring finger
-my feet/toes
-the inside of my right wrist
-the inside of either elbow
-the back or inside of my right arm (but I'm ruling this out because people are telling me I'll look butch, what with these guns and all).

The tattoos I'd like to get include, but are not limited to:

-one of those mideval lions that appear on family crests and coats of armor and whatnot
-some Chinese symbols, which I know is cliche but at least I have Chinese friends and can say a thing or two in the language
-a custom-drawn creation made with love by my artsy Mama
-a willow tree (this is a new interest since I just found out my "birth" tree or whatever is a weeping willow)
-something in Latin
-something in German
-there are a couple random phrases I'm interested in having tattooed, but that might be lame
-certain made-up symbols to remind myself about things (think "Memento" minus the memory loss)
-oh, and a portrait of the lead singer of Iron Maiden. JUST KIDDING! I know a girl who has this on her back and it's L-A-M-E lame. Then again, so is Iron Maiden. Then again, so is she.

In related news, I'm thinking of getting some new tattoo to cover up my Virgo symbol on the inside of my wrist. It's not that I don't like the tattoo, it's just that I don't like it that much. I got it on a whim and it seemed like a good idea at the time. It's not so bad, I mean I don't regret it or anything. People compliment me on it all the time. I'm just kinda like eh. It's kinda prison-ish. And it's bigger than I wanted it. I should have gotten it much smaller and dainty. My wrists are thick and manly enough.

I think I'm definitely going to shoot for a new tattoo this coming birthday, though. I'm due. So I better start thinking. I told Mom to draw me something because I wanted to get a new tat on my birth, but she hasn't done it yet. Helloooo!!! My birthday is in 11 days (holy shit!) so I better start crack'n the whip!


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